Hometown: New Haven, CT
Instagram: @that_craig_guy_13
Other Site: “Art By Craig Gilbert” on Facebook.
Brewery: New England Brewing Company
One of your favorite Label Artists: All of ‘em. No. Seriously. Every freakin’ one of ‘em. I know, I know....that sounds non-committal or weak, but it’s truth. I’ve seen hundreds of cans. Some with highly detailed images on them and some with one-color stick figures. And each one has cracked me up or made me rethink my own shit. So, it’s all good.
Fun Fact / Interesting Anecdote: I usually have a few copies of the movie “Roadhouse” on me. Believe it or not, there are humans on this planet who have never seen “Roadhouse “. I know! Right?! So, when I meet those people, I hook them up and make their lives much better.
Bio: Craig Gilbert is an artist and writer form New Haven, Connecticut. He has been scribbling and doodling since he could drag a crayon across a baseboard heater (an act his parents shockingly did not see as ‘creative’). Craig currently has an artistic home base as the label and tap handle illustrator for the New England Brewing Company. He continues to write and illustrate his own series of offbeat, mildly disturbing, children’s poetry books as well as pursue his ongoing, fine art endeavors.